How's your day going? I hope you're doing fine and taking the time to do things for yourself. As for me, I decided to go outside and take some pictures. Tiktok is a trend right now and you can get different ideas, inspirations and such things to do since everyone is just at home. Quarantine be like. Upon scrolling through my fyp (for you page), I saw some videos about this new mirror trend. Basically you just have to bring your mirror outside and take some pictures. Well a millenial as I'am, I decided to do it. With my own curiosity and boredom hahaha oh well! I've been staying at home for 2 months already and It feels like everyday is just thesame. Time to spice up the day by trying out new things.
I will be sharing you some of the pictures I took. The timing was great because the sun's out and bleaming! Sunlight is the best natural filter. I love how it turns out in the picture. I'm not good at posing tho but I made it a bit tumblr vibe like. It feels good to have a breath of fresh air. Btw, I only took the photos at our backyard. Nothing is exciting but nature is the highlight. Here are the photos:
Thank God we have trees at our backyard. Atleast in that way, I can feel the summer vibes! (Hahaha)
Also see that skin glowing! Gosh, I really love sunlight! These photos are edited/enhanced a bit because I wanted the hues of green and blue to be more vibrant. I had nothing else to do this day (April 26, 2020). I miss going out and being social. This quarantine made me quiet and since I have no choice because this is for our own safety & health. Praying for better days ahead (always)! Let's beat COVID-19!
Stay at home guys! Patience and Prayer is needed most this times. Continue to do things for your own! Discover more or even learn something! There are a lot of ways to make this quarantine time productive and beneficial. Take care of yourself, do things that makes you happy, have a glow up and restore. That would be all for this article! Stay tuned because I will be posting more soon! Thank you for reading and get that glow gurl!
Ari Miguel
About Me

My name is Arianne. 19 year-old inspired blogger. This website is a journal of my life and interests as a teenager.
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