No Summer 2020.

It's been awhile since I posted an article in my blog site. I was gone for about 4 years since a lot of things happened and the transition of my life has been in a rapid movement. I can't believe I'm turning 20 years old a few months from now. Lately, I've been through a lot and I'm thankful that I'm still here alive and kicking. I guess this is what being a teenager and going through life is.

A little bit of update is that today I renewed my blogsite. I decided that it should be simple and minimalist only. The process of me being an adult is slowly kicking. You transform as a whole person as you grow old tho. I will be updating and posting more soon. If you're reading this, thank you so much for giving the time and interests. I appreciate it.

As of today's time, the whole world is facing a pandemic and this is because of COVID-19 (corona virus). Every part of the world are now struggling how to contain, cure and fight this virus. I live in the Philippines and our cases are growing each and everyday. I always pray that I hope this will not lead to worsen situations. Many plans are cancelled due to this and everyone is struggling financially, emotionally or even economically. We are on a ECQ (Enhanced Community Quarantine) as of the moment til May 15, 2020 until further notice. We are only allowed to stay at home and in quarantine. Safety and Health is important as of now.

Me and my family supposed to be having our summer vacation this May 2020 but due to this it is cancelled and everything planned didn't forego. It's sad but the main priority is to be safe and healthy until this virus comes to an end. Maybe next summer everything will be okay again. Travelling shall resume and moments can be replaced. Trust in God's timing.

Since there is "No Summer 2020", I will just post some throwback pictures from December 2019. A little photo dump just to remind myself that better days are coming. This shall end soon.

Top / from an online shop, Shorts and Bucket Hat / from Penshoppe &
Nike Slides

These photos were taken at Zamboanga Golf Course Club, Philippines. I remember this day was our class Christmas Party (my former college classmates). I edited it a bit to give more vibrance and summer feels. I just miss going outside and looking at the waves. For me, moments like this is what I treasure the most. I love the sea breeze and looking at the waves. It gives me the positive energy and relaxation. I wish to be here again after this Quarantine period. In God's will, everything will be back to normal soon. He is with us in this battle and let's continue to pray.

I will end this here and let's keep the faith! God is listening to our prayers. Trust and believe in him. Hoping that this shall end soon and we all get to learn something valuable from this distant times. Good day, thank you for reading! stay safe and healthy! see you on my next article.

Ari Miguel


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