Goin' Retro

I guess everyone is bored in the house. cues *bored in the house song* Well, I'm too! like totally! I didn't expect that this much would happen less than half of the year. Quarantine is such a hassle but also for our safety. Everyone is just at home and this rough times will also let us realize some important things that we forgot or didn't pay attention to when things were normal or how it used to be. I'm also running out of things to do and it seems like we're just on a loop every single day. I can't avoid to overthink and stressed out sometimes because supposed to be at these time, I'm already preparing to move for College. Due to COVID, yep everything is stuck. At the end of the day, we must see the light from this situation. Nothing lasts forever except for God's love. We'll just have to continue to pray and have faith that God is in control and for now, we must do things for ourselves, be with our family and value the little things in life that we must not take for granted. 

Anyways, going back to the main topic of this article. My brother and I decided to do a home mini-photoshoot and the theme we agreed to is Retro! We just want to have an experiment and test our photography skills. This is also a great way to bond and nurture our skills. We also saw some tiktok videos about home photoshoots and there were a lot of ideas on how you can also do your own home photoshoot. Just to beat the boredom and for the sake to the something atleast in a day rather than scrolling around social media. The shots were taken by my brother and I edited the pics. Teamwork! I kinda like how it turned out but we still need to improve on some details but nevertheless I love the pictures! 

top// thrifted, bucket hat// penshoppe ph and accessories// shopee

Good thing the color of my room is all white and we had a green cloth! That's why I was able to edit the background and made it more retro vibe. Orange has been a staple when it comes to vintage retro and I'am no professional editor. I just used Picsart! You can download it through your phone or laptop! Very accesible and easy to use! I really wanted a studio type of background and I'm happy that I was able to edit it that way. Probably more home shoots will be up next. I can't wait to do some more and wear new outfits (since I ordered clothes from Shopee). Soon, I will be posting more! 

That would be all for this article and Thank you for reading it! The good thing about this quarantine is that I'am able to rediscover and get back to my old hobbies. A continuous self growth and learning. Let's stay positive and keep our faith! For now, be busy on renovating a better you!

Ari Miguel


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